Oase Gallery was established in 2008. Oase is a fertile area or valley in a remote area located amid the desert, hoping to support the living of the people in the surrounding areas. Oase gallery produces batik Besurek fabric which is the characteristic of Bengkulu City with traditional technique (canting tulis / handmade and canting cap/printing) and natural coloring.
Bahan katun.
Motif Bunga Rafflesia dan Kaligrafi. Lapisan : Puring trikot. Memiliki dua kancing dan dua saku didepan.
Size : M dan L
Bahan katun. Bisa Bolak-Balik.. Dalaman polos kombinasi.
Motif Bunga Rafflesia dan Kaligrafi.
Bahan Katun
Proses batik : Cap kombinasi Tulis.
Motif Bunga Rafflesia dan Kaligrafi.
Size : panjang 245cm, lebar 115cm.
Lapisan anti air.
Motif Bunga Rafflesia dan Kaligrafi.
Size : panjang 27cm, lebar 8cm, tinggi 17cm.