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ISEF Overview

ISEF is the largest annual event in Indonesia as a forum to integrate various activities in the sharia economic and financial sector. In its journey, ISEF has evolved from an activity on a national scale to an international scale activity, and since 2019, ISEF has been included in the world’s Sharia Economic event calendar. The 9th ISEF was held October 5–9, 2022 in a hybrid event with the theme “Recover Together Recover Stronger: Optimizing Sharia Economy and Finance For Inclusive Recovery“, resonating with the theme of the G20 Indonesia Presidency.

In 2022, there was a change in ISEF’s mission, which was originally “Integrating thoughts and realizations in the form of real initiatives that have an impact on the national and international economy” to “Integrating the thoughts and efforts of all sharia economic activists in the development of sharia economic to support Indonesia as a center for World Excursion Development”.

In line with the international agenda, in addition to aligning with the blueprint for economic development and sharia finance, the implementation of ISEF 2022 is also divided into 3 main topics, namely economic inclusion, halal and green lifestyle, and digitalization.


ISEF as a national and international sharia economic development platform.


Recover Together Recover Stronger: Optimizing Sharia Economy and Finance for Inclusive Recovery


The Largest and The Most Integrated Annual Sharia Economic and Finance Event in Indonesia



International Sharia Forum

Resolusi Pemikiran guna membahas/merumuskan berbagai isu terkini terkait inklusi ekonomi & keuangan, green finance, industri halal dan tren digitalisasi serta manfaatnya termasuk isu terkini untuk pengembangan Eksyar

Domestic Sharia Forum

Dalam rangka memperkuat pemahaman dan kepedulian terkait ekonomi dan keuangan syariah serta mendorong halal lifestyle

Indonesia International
Modest Fashion Festival (IN2MF)

Event Modest Fashion berbasis wastra, dengan mengangkat budaya local yang dipadankan dengan desain modern yang didukung oleh keterlibatan desainer modest fashion domestik dan internasional

Indonesia International
Halal Chef Competition (IN2HCC)

Event kompetisi halal chef internasional yang bertujuan untuk pengembangan produk halal food dari hulu ke hilir

Sharia Fair

  1. Pameran Produk Halal dan Modest Fashion (Exhibition) untuk produk-produk yang layak Go-Global, produk lainnya serta showcasing produk halal oleh pelaku usaha syariah di sektor makanan dan minuman halal, fesyen muslim, lembaga keuangan syariah (komersial & sosial).
  2. Talkshow untuk memperkuat pengetahuan dan keterampilan (sertifikasi) pelaku usaha, perbankan syariah, lembaga wakaf dan upaya mengakselerasikan sertifikasi halal khususnya untuk UMKM (Self Declare).
  3. Business Matching untuk menfasilitasi/mempertemukan sisi demand dan sisi supply termasuk mempersiapkan kapasitas para pelaku usaha syariah untuk menembus pasar dalam negeri dan ekspor, serta memfasilitasi pembiayaan syariah.
  4. Kompetisi untuk pelaku usaha di sektor halal food, fesyen muslim dan pertanian termasuk kompetisi ekonomi syariah nasional di tingkat pendidikan menengah.

ISEF Fun Walk

Event olahraga bersama yang bersifat non kompetitif dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan nilai-nilai ekonomi syariah khususnya terkait dengan halal dan green lifestyle



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To apply to be one of the online exhibitors at ISEF 2023 please fill out this short form. After filling out this form our ISEF team will contact you via the contact you entered in this form.