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CV. Putra Mataram
Cokelat Macoa
Production Capacity:
4.000 pcs / month

Macoa is inspired by a word from the Mandarese language, which means good. The name is chosen with the hope that the firm and its products may benefit broader people, and the product can become the number one visitor’s choice when they visit Mandar Land (West Sulawesi). Macoa only uses fermented cocoa to help local farmers. Production processes are operated in one place only to maintain the quality of the products. Macoa produces a range of chocolate-related products from compound chocolate until couverture, with prices ranging between Rp 2.000 until Rp 46.000.

Owner: Muh. Haritz Satrio
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 2 Sidorejo, Kec. Wonomulyo, Kab. Polewali Mandar

Cokelat Kurma

Cokelat Kurma, kurma dibalut coklat

Rp. 25.000
Ready to Order
Cokelat Hitam Kompon Isi Mente

Produk ini sangat manis, disebut cokelat hitam karena tidak mengandung susu. Isian berupa kacang mente goreng.

Rp. 14.000
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Cokelat Ranggina

Rangginang khas sulawesi barat yang dibalut cokelat

Rp. 25.000
Ready to Order
Cokelat Hitam 80%

Produk ini mengandung 80% kakao sehingga agak pahit dengan citarasa khas kakao Sulawesi Barat

Rp. 46.000
Ready to Order
Cokelat Hitam 70%

Produk ini mengandung 70% kakao dengan citarasa khas kakao Sulawesi Barat.

Rp. 46.000
Ready to Order

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