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Kopi Asik
Production Capacity:
10 tonnes

CV. Al.Razak is a plantation business cooperation. The company strives to produce the best coffee bean in South Sulawesi. The coffee plantation is well managed and supervised by Mountain Cafe Coffee Clinic with their experiences in upstream to the downstream coffee business. Moreover, Mountain Cafe Coffee Clinic often participates in overseas events (harvest-make-sale) and local community empowerment in several districts by providing updated knowledge to the coffee farmers. The Mountain Cafe Coffee Clinic empowers the community to elevate the sale value of coffee beans to penetrate a global market.

Owner: ABD Rahim
Jl. Pahlawan No. 41 Bampu Desa Karueng Kec. Enrekang Kab. Enrekang

HAMPERS/ Paket Hemat

Nikmat Kebersama “Hampers ASIK” Untuk Keluarga, Sahabat, Kerabat dalam menjalin Silaturahmi dengan Menikmati kebersamaan Kopi Spesialty Arabika Kalosi Enrekang “Spesial Edition” Sebagai Pelengkap Kehangatan

paket Hampers
1. Coffee Drip 1Box 10 pcs (Spesialty)
2. Roasterd Bean Spesialty 200g 1pcs
3. Graund fresh Spesialty 200g / pcs- 2pcs Arabika Spesialty Origins 200g

Rp. 220.000
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Drip Bag Filter Origin Spesialty 10pcs Spesialty Arabika Kalosi Enrekang

Spesialty Arabika Kalosi Enrekang
Origins Sulawesi, Altitude 1800m / Latimojong – Karangan
Process : Semi/full-Washed 10 bag
Medium Roast Sekarang Anda dapat menikmati Kopi ASIK Kalosi Enrekang di rumah, di kantor atau pada saat bepergian hanya dengan menambahkan air panas. Berasal dari biji kopi Spesialty yang di Proses langsung dari Mountain cafe Coffee Clinic dan setelah melewati proses fresh roast, Drip Bag Kopi ASIK dikemas secara khusus sehingga kesegarannya selalu terjaga. Selamat menikmati perpaduan aroma, kelembutan crema serta rasa istimewa dari Kopi Kalosi Enrekang

Rp. 120.000
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Kopiasik Arabika Kalosi Origin 200g

KOPIASIK Spesialty Kopi Arabika Kalosi Enrekang, Kopi Kalosi Indonesia
Sebagai Prosesing Pascapanen dari hulu hingga hilir menghadirkan citarasa Teras Anak Kampung
@kopiasik_id. dengan berbagai varian proses singel Origins 200g

Rp. 60.000
Ready to Order

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