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Afgandi food
Production Capacity:
10 kg/ day

RotiYU is a bakery product brand developed based on research results. This bread is made from fermented local hanjeli flour to produce bread low in gluten and rich in amino acids as a functional food. The innovation of the Rotiyu raw material is why the raw material for wheat (wheat) is still imported and contains allergenic ingredients (Gluten), which causes Celiac disease. Commercially this bread is made in the form of contemporary bread following the wishes of consumers: (1). Cinnamon Rolls, (2). Cheese Rolls, (3). Japanese Milk Bread, (4). Torn Bread &, (5). Rotiyu of various flavors

Owner: Saepul Adnan
Jalan Cijerah No. 99 Bandung 40212



cheese rolls 2 topping

Cheese Rolls are bread stuffed with cheese. After baking, the rolls are then brushed with softened butter and generously sprinkled or rolled in sugar.

Rp. 75.000
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Cinnamon Rolls 3 Topping

Cinnamon roll is a sweet roll commonly served in Northern Europe and North America. In Sweden it is called kanelbulle, in Denmark it is known as kanelsnegl, in Norway it is known as Kanelbolle, Skillingsboller or Kanelsnurr, and in Finland it is known as korvapuusti.

Rp. 85.000
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Cinnamon Rolls original

Cinnamon roll adalah roti gulung dengan kayu manis yang biasa disajikan di Eropa Utara dan Amerika Utara. Rotiyu memodifikasi roti cinnamon Rolls dengan berbagai topping kekinian yang sangat menggoda.

Rp. 65.000
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Roti Sobek (Abon, Cokelat Keju)

Roti Sobek RotiYu memiliki tekstur yang lembut, khas hanjeli, tanpa pengawet, rendah gluten dan kaya asam amino. disajikan dengan berbagai topping kekinian sesuai seleranya kamu sebagai penikmat roti.

Rp. 65.000
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Banyak kue-kue klasik Indonesia yang ternyata resep aslinya berasal dari Belanda. Begitu pun dengan roti bluder yang manis legit ini. Menilik sejarahnya, roti bluder sebenarnya sudah ada sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda. Saat itu, roti bluder dibawa oleh orang Eropa. Kemudian, roti bertekstur ini menjadi populer sebagai santapan wajib para tentara Belanda. Roti ini juga menjadi peninggalan Belanda di Indonesia. rotiyu memformulasi bahan baku bluder dengan tepung lokal hanjeli terFermentasi yang kaya akan asam amino, serat pangan, antioksidan dan kalsium tinggi.

Rp. 9.000
Ready to Order

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