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CV Enam Dzikmah Utama
Conutcos (Coconut House Indonesia)
Production Capacity:
1.Desiccated Coconut Flour / Fine Grade with Low Fat : 1.500 jars / month 2. Original Coconut Roasted / Medium Grade with High Fat : 500 jars / month 3. Dried Coconut Flakes / Medium Grade with High Fat : 2.000 jars / month

Conutcos is committed with the existing foundation to continue to create quality and competitive “Superfood” products, both for national and international markets. By raising Indonesia’s natural wealth sourced from Coconuts produced by Local Farmers, Conutcos believes it will be grow, be useful and always innovate.
In the future, Conutcos believes that it will give a powerful impact not only to raise the productivity of Local Coconut Farmers but also to invite the surrounding community to work together in the Coconut Celebes Cluster program which is currently being developed to create products that are produced worldwide and have high value, as well as educating the goodness contained so that people are aware of the importance of consuming quality coconut as the main source of nutrition in everyday life.

Owner: Ananda Dzikmah Amalia AZ
Pallangga, Kabupaten Gowa

Kelapa Parut Kering Natural Dried Coconut Flakes 400g

Medium Grade, Parutan Normal
Kelapa Kering dibuat melalui proses parut kemudian dikeringkan dalam oven dan dikemas. Kelapa ini sangat cocok sebagai adonan kue yang renyah atau sebagai topping untuk cookies yang membutuhkan rasa kelapa yang khas.
Pilih Seleramu Sendiri :
1. Natural White (Putih Bersih)
2. Classic (Agak sedikit kekuningan, ada wangi smokey coconutnya)
Umur Simpan : > 1thn setelah diproduksi / tergantung perlakuan.

Rp. 60.000
Ready to Order
Original Coconut Roasted HighFat | FineGrade 30g

Dibuat tanpa melalui proses pengeringan apapun termasuk di bawah terik matahari dan langsung disangrai dengan menggunakan teknik tradisional standar modern. Hal ini mengurangi risiko kontaminasi dan mengawetkan kelapa secara alami. Telah tersertifikasi halal.
Kelapa sangrai ini membuat hidangan Anda akan semakin nikmat dan gurih dipadukan dengan cita rasa serta aroma autentik kelapa dalam Sulawesi. Produk ini digunakan sebagai makanan pendamping (taburan) atau pelengkap cita rasa masakan seperti Pallu Kambu, Pallu Basa, Gagape, Opor Ayam, Koya Soto, Kari atau masakan lainnya yang membutuhkan aroma dan tekstur khas kelapa.
Spesifikasi : High Fat | Fine Grade
Shelf Life > 1 tahun

Rp. 6.000
Ready to Order

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