Kailasa Coffee, an Arabica Specialty Coffee from the Dieng Plateau (1.200 meters above sea level), Banjarnegara, Central Java., is produced by the Sikopel Mitreka Satata Cooperative. Using red coffee cherries that are dried using a Solartuf Drying Chamber and not through direct sunlight. The processing technique is Fullwash, honey, and natural. It has a Taste Test Score of 85.25 with Caramel, Brown Sugar, Honey, Sugar Cone Aroma.
Kopi Arabika Specialty kemasan papercup, berisi 1 sachet kopi @10gram + 2 Sachet gula putih kristal + 1 sedotan. PRaktis dan ekonomis. Cupping Coffee : 85.25 Kebun Kopi : 1200 Mdpl Pengolahan : Full Wash Jenis Olahan : Kopi Bubu
Dripbag cocok untuk dibawa traveling, kemasan ekonomis dan praktis. Menikmati kopi di rumah ala cafe, berat 12 gam Cupping Coffee : 85.25 Kebun Kopi : 1200 Mdpl Pengolahan : Full Wash Jenis Olahan : Kopi Bubu
Sachet Box berisi 10 sachet dengan @10 gram, Praktis tanpa harus menakar berat kopi. Cupping Coffee : 85.25 Kebun Kopi : 1200 Mdpl Pengolahan : Full Wash Jenis Olahan : Kopi Bubu