Located in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi., Sago Meambo Food produces a variety of healthy sago-based snacks that are gluten-free, vegan, without any chemicals, without any GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), and without any preservatives. Marketed under the brand ‘Saguku,’ it has been certified Halal by MUI (‘Majelis Ulama Indonesia’ / ‘Indonesian Clerics Council’). The Saguku inventory includes Moringa Leaf Sago Chips, Sago Crispy Brownies, Chocolate Sago Biscuits, Sago Flour, and Cashew Sago Cookies.
As declared in 2016, Sagu Meambo Food is the first business group in the world to be fostered by the United Nation’s FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). Consisting of 12 homemakers, the group aims to develop sago flour into a variety of healthy, hygienic, competitive, and innovative products to enhance the welfare of the sago stakeholders.
Beng-beng Sagu Mete merupakan cemilan khas sulawesi tenggara yang diolah dari kacang mete,cokelat,tepung sagu dan gula.
Chips Sagu Daun Kelor merupakan cemilah sehat yang gluten free, vegan, no chemical, no preservatives, no GMO, yang terbuat dari tepung sagu, jagung dan daun kelor. yang memiliki tekstur yang renyah. Chips Sagu Daun Kelor ini cocok untuk diet dan penderita diabet.
Crispy Brownies Sagu merupakan cemilan yang terbuat dari tepung sagu yang di mix dengan cokelat dan kacang mete dengan tekstur yang renyah dengan cita rasa khas brownies. yang di taburkan dengan toping kacang mete.