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Suhita Bee Farm
Production Capacity:
1000 kg

Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Suhita Bee Farm. Our honey is a product of the empowerment of communities around the forest that we supervise.Suhita Bee Farm is a company committed to honey bee farming of stinging and stingless bees. Established in 2016, Suhita Bee Farm started the business with a farming education program in Batuputuk, Bandar Lampung, and then we continued the program involving other farms.

Static Bee Keeping is our farming method. The bees in the farms, utilizing the surrounding forest, consume natural nectar and pollen all year round, regardless of the seasons. The farming spots are located within the primary and secondary forest areas to be free of pollutants and pesticides and far from cities and residences. That way, the cultivated honey would be of its best quality. We are committed to these principles;

  1. GERTAKANLAH or Gerakan TanamPakanLebah(Bee Food Planting Movement)
  2. ALAM or Ada Lebah Ada Madu (there are bees, so there is honey)
  3. AMAL or Ada Madu Ada Lebah (there is honey because there are bees)
  4. MADU or Melestarikan Alam DapatUntung (Nature’s Preservation for Profit)

If you plant bee food, then you will have the gift of nature, honey.

We are committed to educating the community on suitable honey, which is the honey that comes from bees that consume natural nectar, free of manipulated mixtures. Suhita Bee Farm always believes inHAMEMAYU HAYUNING BHAWONO(always make the world beautiful and peaceful), an old proverb promoting the importance of forest preservation.

Suhita Bee Farm (SBF), with its teams, cultivates the bees by promoting forest conservation with the support of the local communities and the government of Lampung. With bee farming, the surrounding communities will have economic added values with domino effects, encouraging these communities to preserve the bee ecosystem using no pesticides, alsoprotect the trees, the flowers, and other living beings of the forest.

All the benefits of nature conservation and preservation of the bee and other animal ecosystems will, in the end, be beneficial to human beings.

Owner: Isnina
Jl Purnawirawan 1 no 40 Langkapura Bandar Lampung

Trigona Honey 350g

madu murni yang unik dari spesies lebah tanpa sengat. Lebah lebah menyimpan madu nya dalam kantung kantung propolis sehingga madu secara alami terlarut dengan propolis. memiliki sifat sebagai antibiotik alami Rasa dari madu itama suhita agak asam dengan sedikit rasa manis. memiliki khas bau propolis, sangat baik bagi orang yang membutuhkan multivitamin dengan kualitas baik untuk menjaga imun tubuh yang tinggi.

Rp. 180.000
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Dorsata Honey 385g

Dorsata honey adalah madu dari lebah bersengat yang langka, ganas dan liar, bersarang pada pohon sialang dan tebing cadas. Madu dorsata adalah madu multiflora, yaitu madu yang berasal dari berbagai macam tumbuhan dan bunga di hutan sumatera. Memiliki rasa manis dengan aroma khas putikbunga jantan ( Bee pollen ) Dipanen secara lestari pada vegetasi alam yang variatif, menjadikan madu memiliki karakter warna, rasa, dan aroma yang beragam.

Rp. 110.000
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Mellifera Honey 385g

Madu melifera adalah yang biasa masyarakat umum ketahui dengan, dengan ciri sarang berbentuk heksagonal. Rasanya dominan manis dan sangat cocok untuk campucan makanan sehari hari, dan cocok dikonsumsi untuk anda yang suka dengan rasa manis

Rp. 100.000
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