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Workshop Ija Kroeng
Ija Kroeng
Kapasitas Produksi:
250 pcs sarong per bulan
"Salah satu budaya dan kebiasaan yang sudah ada sejak lama di Aceh adalah budaya memakai sarung. Selain dipakai saat beribadah, sarung juga sering dipakai saat bermusyawarah ataupun pada aktifitas sehari-hari. Budaya yang perlahan mulai hilang ini ingin terus dilestarikan oleh seorang putra Aceh, Khairul Fajri, melalui merk usahanya Ija Kroeng.Ija Kroeng berusaha menciptakan diferensiasi di setiap produknya melalui desain sarung khas Aceh yang inovatif, mengikuti perkembangan tren mode saat ini, dan tersirat cerita dari setiap edisi yang dikeluarkan.Contoh desain khas Aceh tersebut diaplikasikan pada koleksi Pintoe Aceh Rasta dan koleksi motif Cap Sikureung yang eksklusif. Produk yang ditawarkan hingga saat ini berupa sarung, sarung celana, baju koko, dan syal.Melalui merk Ija Kroeng, Khairul memiliki misi untuk meningkatkan taraf perekonomian masyarakat Aceh dan menciptakan sebuah industri usaha lokal. Hal ini dilakukan dengan memberdayakan para pengrajinnya yang sebagian besar merupakan lulusan dari Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dan menciptakan manajemen produksi yang dapat mensejahterakan mereka kembali. "

Pemilik: Khairul Fajri
Jalan Teuku Umar Lr. Mahya No 51 Setui Banda Aceh

songket series

Reviving the enthusiasm of young people to love and cultivate
the habit of wearing traditional fabric, specially songket and
woven cloth. The fabric production process has transitioned
from hand looms (Alat Tenun Kaki Tangan – ATKT) to nonmechanized looms (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin – ATBM) to
increase production quantity. This change has influenced the
competition in selling prices at national and international levels.
The raw materials were then transformed into ready-to-wear
clothing, suitable for everyday activities, with color choices and
styles that follow current trends

Rp. 1.450.000
Ready to Order
songket series

Reviving the enthusiasm of young people to love and cultivate
the habit of wearing traditional fabric, specially songket and
woven cloth. The fabric production process has transitioned
from hand looms (Alat Tenun Kaki Tangan – ATKT) to nonmechanized looms (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin – ATBM) to
increase production quantity. This change has influenced the
competition in selling prices at national and international levels.
The raw materials were then transformed into ready-to-wear
clothing, suitable for everyday activities, with color choices and
styles that follow current trends

Rp. 1.450.000
Ready to Order
songket series

Reviving the enthusiasm of young people to love and cultivate
the habit of wearing traditional fabric, specially songket and
woven cloth. The fabric production process has transitioned
from hand looms (Alat Tenun Kaki Tangan – ATKT) to nonmechanized looms (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin – ATBM) to
increase production quantity. This change has influenced the
competition in selling prices at national and international levels.
The raw materials were then transformed into ready-to-wear
clothing, suitable for everyday activities, with color choices and
styles that follow current trends

Rp. 1.450.000
Ready to Order
songket series

Reviving the enthusiasm of young people to love and cultivate
the habit of wearing traditional fabric, specially songket and
woven cloth. The fabric production process has transitioned
from hand looms (Alat Tenun Kaki Tangan – ATKT) to nonmechanized looms (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin – ATBM) to
increase production quantity. This change has influenced the
competition in selling prices at national and international levels.
The raw materials were then transformed into ready-to-wear
clothing, suitable for everyday activities, with color choices and
styles that follow current trends

Rp. 1.450.000
Ready to Order

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