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Kapasitas Produksi:
1.000 pcs
TXTURE adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang fashion. Sepatu bermaterial kulit dengan kualitas terbaik adalah produk yang menjadi fokus dari perusahaan ini. Saat ini, TXTURE sudah menjadi salah satu perusahaan produsen sepatu jenis tersebut yang terdepan di Indonesia dengan produk yang sudah tersebar ke berbagai benua di dunia.

Pemilik: Annisa Amalina Tamimi
Kopo Permai I Blok MM No. 22 Jawa Barat


Preserved and conveys the story of Mariana as well as maintain an aesthetic style and picturesque scenery in the same time. Walk with confidence and spread the true story of Mariana. Keep the tale in everlasting memories to tell in the future. Future and past connected to each other. A vast adventure in the future and an everlasting memory in the past. Both of them bound inside this best beast of Mariana boots. A story from the past to tell in the future.

Rp. 3.630.000
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The days might be getting warmer, but we make you get cooler. Emerging from a pebble of mystery, charging an unprecedented wave of history. These timeless companions are defying the ordinary.

Rp. 3.580.000
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Shaped strongly and beautifully. The power of mighty warriors, elegant indeed. They are crafted with the soul of our artisans, with passion, with yearning, with desire. Filled with beauty ⁣and filled with emotion⁣. It’s the diversity that makes us exquisite and beautiful. Our differentiation and signature authentically made by the hand of skilled craftsman. Each pair have their mark of identity, each of our pair are uniquely magnificent, as the creations of our artisans are never less than a masterpiece.⁣ Keep in mind that the real beauty of ours are lies within the stitching. Between the strings, and inside the rhythm⁣⁣. Warhorse Boots red-wine with Cadena vertical stitching ⁣⁣combined with red & white string⁣.

Rp. 2.980.000
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Whichever you choose, the black color can be suitable for you. Whether you will wear a formal dress or drop-down with denim, this color can easily harmonize your composition.

Rp. 2.880.000
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When in doubt to combine the tones of shoes and outfit worn, black is our primary choice, with the installation of a natural-colored edge trim so that the composition can still connect in an informal style but with the slick way. These characteristics can also be found in this makeup; Civil shoes in black leather with brown tea-colored edge trim and combine with veldtschoen construction and micro studded sole.

Rp. 2.830.000
Ready to Order

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