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ISEF Overview

ISEF is the largest annual event in Indonesia as a forum to integrate various activities in the sharia economic and financial sector. ISEF has evolved from a national level event to be an international level which since 2019 ISEF has been acknowledged as part of the world SEF event calendar. ISEF 2021 again not only involves national agencies, institutions or associations but also international ones. ISEF has a vision of “Mainstreaming Islamic Economy and Finance into National and International Policy”. This vision places ISEF as an icon of sharia economic and finance (SEF) development from various aspects, both at the national and international levels. Efforts to achieve the vision are realized through a mission that integrates and realizes various thoughts in the form of real and applicable initiatives, the manifestation of a center of excellence that focuses on the development of the SEF while maintaining the harmony of sharia economic values and principles that are in line with the noble values of the Indonesian nation. It is believed that the implementation of the mission and the achievement of the vision will boost the performance of the national and international economy.


ISEF as a national and
international sharia economic


Magnifiying Halal Industries
Through Food and Fashion
Market for Ecomonic

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