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Asta Dadapan Indah
Asta Dadapan Indah
Production Capacity:
200 pcs

Asta Dadapan Indah is a premium quality handmade and stamped batik producer. Asta Dadapan Indah was established in 2016.

Owner: Adi Putra Wijaya
Jl. Cempaka No.97 Dsn. Dadapan RT. 19 RW. 04 Ds. Sumberejo Kec. Ngasem Kab. Kediri

Batik Tulis Sutra Banji

Batik Tulis yg dibuat dengan cara manual diatas kain sutra

Rp. 7.500.000
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Batik Tulis Sutra Hokokai

Batik tulis kain sutra yg diproses manual (handmade)

Rp. 7.500.000
Ready to Order

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