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PT. Allana Maju Berdaya
Craft Allana
Experienced Export
Production Capacity:
Accessories 3500-4000/pcs, home decor 250-1000/pcs

Allana was established in 2008. It started its business door-to-door or service from home to home, with the trade name Rumah Baju.  When we wanted to register the name under Intellectual Property Right (IPR), it was rejected as the name was similar to another product; it was then changed to the trade name Allana. Allana is a name that is a combination of the two children of the business owner, namely Aulia and Maulana. The trade name has obtained its legality, and it is established as PT Allana Maju Berdaya. Initially, it was just a hobby to make knick-knacks and something unique, and seeing that there is so much cloth waste, we took the courage to process the waste materials for production at the beginning of 2006. With a small capital, we sold the products in the school bazaars and offices. Allana Craft is a handicraft business, particularly in the development of cloth crafts that support fashion, accessories, and home decoration.  Almost 100% of Allana Products is 100% handmade. This includes accessories  such as(pin cushions, key chain holders, etc.),  home living (various kinds of tissue boxes, cloth shopping bags, etc.) Almost all of the products are produced by women in the surrounding community. Practically 100% using local materials and are handmade. By purchasing our products, you will save the environment with creativity, empowering women, and helping street children and dhuafa  ( the marginalized community )from Gerakan Jumat Berkah  ( Friday good-deed), which we usually use do on Fridays using 2,5% of company revenues.

Owner: Titin Dwi Isnaini
Perum. Binong Permai blok B 14 No. 5B, Kec. Curug, Kab. Tangerang. 15810

Bantal Leher

Terbuat dr bahan katun berkualitas, dengan kombinasi motif dan polos yg diisi dengan silicon yang empuk dan bisa dicuci.

Rp. 100.000
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Tas Lipat

Terbuat dr bahan katun berkualitas, dengan kombinasi motif dan polos dengan tambahan kain goni sintetis dan kancing batok. Bisa dilipat jd uk saku, cocok untuk shoping bag.

Rp. 110.000
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Tissue Gantung

Terbuat dari bahan katun berkualitas, dengan kombinasi motif dan polos yg dilapisi busa tipis dan dijahit quilt. Model unik menyerupai baju anak. Tali bisa diadjust sesuai kebutuhan. Ukuran untuk tissue 200 – 250 sheet.

Rp. 125.000
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Tissue Meja

Terbuat dr bahan katun berkualitas, dengan kombinasi motif dan polos yg dilapisi busa tipus dan dijahit quilt.
Ukuran untuk tissue 200 – 250 sheet.

Rp. 65.000
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Sarung Bantal Kursi Set

1 set isi 5pc.
Terbuat dr bahan katun berkualitas,dengan kombinasi motif dan polos. Tersedia ukuran 40 x 40cm dan 45 x45cm. Jahitan halus,sletiing jepang. Dikemas dengan packaging cantik yang fungsional.

Rp. 300.000
Ready to Order

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