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CV Aya Sofya
Experienced Export
Production Capacity:

Working with more or less ten long-standing groups of partners, CV Maharani continues to explore materials and techniques that will develop more and better markets. Initially targeting the lower-end, ‘volume market’ in the 1990s, the current strategy is penetrating the ‘value market’ in terms of design, service, and social and environmental. The company was awarded the VLK certificate (‘Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu’ / ‘Wood Legality Verification’) that ensures wood traceability.  Through the assistance of CBI (‘Centrum tot Bevordering van de Import uit ontwikkelingslanden’ / The Netherland’s ‘Centre For the Promotion of Imports’), CV Maharani has acquired the Fair-Trade Certification that is currently in the process of being renewed.

Owner: Elsa Maharrani
Jl. M. Hatta no. 55 Kel Pasar Ambacang, Kec Kuranji Padang


Fitur :
– Lengan Reglan dilengkapi Zipper
– Payet mutiara
– Turban dengan perpaduan
selendang ciri khas Turki Utsmani

Rp. 6.500.000
Ready to Order

Fitur :
– Lengan Reglan dilengkapi Zipper
– Payet mutiara
– Turban dengan perpaduan
selendang ciri khas Turki Utsmani

Rp. 3.500.000
Ready to Order

Fitur :
– Lengan Reglan dilengkapi Zipper
– Payet mutiara
– Turban dengan perpaduan
selendang ciri khas Turki Utsmani

Rp. 4.600.000
Ready to Order

Fitur :
– Lengan Reglan dilengkapi Zipper
– Payet mutiara
– Turban dengan perpaduan
selendang ciri khas Turki Utsmani

Rp. 7.900.000
Ready to Order

Fitur :
– Lengan Reglan dilengkapi Zipper
– Payet mutiara
– Turban dengan perpaduan
selendang ciri khas Turki Utsmani

Rp. 5.700.000
Ready to Order

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